2 min readOct 29, 2020


The Aavegotchis

The Aavegotchis

Today I present something completely new- game related to DeFi based on blockchain. Currently, it is in the development phase, but is dynamically developing and attracting more and more followers. You can create your own Gotchi (this is how the game is reminiscent of the old Tamagotchi games). You can create your own Gotchi, give it a name and dress it up. All you need to do is get a GHST token and start having fun. You can do it through the website linking MEW. There is also a strong community, super administrators and lots of interesting tasks and contests located on Discord.

Aavegotchi is an NFT structure. You could say that it is “aToken”, ERC20 secured in Aave as a security. As a result, interest can be collected on the security provided.

The appearance of the Aavegotchi is randomly generated during the first creation, and an appearance is generated with different component rarities (regular, mythical, etc.). A number of factors can influence the value of Gotchi, such as appearance of others, willingness to participate in community quests, and type of clothing, leading to an even more distinctive Gotchi.
To get your own Aavegotchi, you can summon them using the special portals of the Aavegotchi universe — all you need to do is go to the Aavegotchi dApp app and stock up and donate $ GHST security tokens. There is currently an event that is staking $ GHST tokens. In return you get FRENS. Thanks to them, you can buy lottery tickets. Tickets of different values will introduce you to a draw for a prize pool (of varying rarity) with amazing carry accessories!

Aavegotchi is a young project with lots of applications, integrations and features that will make a lot of hype in the future. There will definitely be benefits for early adopters, get started with Aavegotchis now!

See you on Discord and Let Frens be with you.. :D

